Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014



 Several weeks a go, September 27th 2014 to be exact, 3 Senior High school Bandung held an event called MATSWAPATI. It was an event about arts and culture of West Java, Indonesia. The name of this event took from the name one of puppet in Indonesia called Prabu Matswapati. And you know what? I am a crew in decorating division for this event. It was my first experienced become a crew for some event. Now, I will tell you more about MATSWAPATI FESTIVAL.

                At Matswapati, there was many traditional performances. There were Calung show, Pencak Silat, Jaipong, Benjang, Angklung show, and many mores. Beside the traditional performance, Matswapati also invited famous artists to this event. They were Barsena and Glenn Fredly
                 At September 26th 2014 was the busy day. Because, it was D – 1 from Matswapati. All crews were preparing for this event, including me. I did some little decorations  work like painted and something like that. I worked with my seniors from SSR and my friends who contributed for this event. I worked from 08.30 am - untill 09.30 pm. Beside I worked for Matswapati, I also worked decorating  for my class stands. It was make me tired, but it was fun.
                The next day, September 27th 2014 was the day. In the morning, all of my friend who didn’t work as a crew for this event did the parade. Beside the parade followed by students of 3 Senior High School, the students of the others school like SMPN 2, SMPN 5, and many mores were involved in this parade. They walked from Bali St., to Sumatra St., Aceh St., Merdeka St., Jawa St., and back to Bali St. While they did the parade, I was preparing for the event. In D- day, I was in the logistic division.
                The festival was opened by the speech of the Head of Organizer Matswapati ( Kang Abdel Moh. Deghati), and then the Mayor of Bandung (Mr. Moh Ridwan Kamil or Kang Emil), and the last Head of 3 Senior High School (Mr. Encang Iskandar). The first performance was from LSS (Lingkungan Seni Sunda), and followed by other performances like MK, KPA 3, Samba Sunda,  KV, T'ST, Traditional dances, attractions of Pencak Silat, Benjang  and Traditional Games.
                In the evening, Barsena was performed. So many people came around the stage to saw Barsena. He was performing so cool. He sang several beat songs and made the audiences were dancing. HE ROCKED THE STAGE!!! hahahaha….
                And….. at 7 pm, the main guest star of this event was came on the stage, that was GLENN FREDLY! when he came to the stage, it felt like all audiences screamed for him. He sang 8 – 9 songs (if I’m not mistaken). He was so energic and made all audiences were dancing. HE ROCKED THE STAGE MORE!!.
                The festival was over around 08.30 pm. I came back home at 09.00 pm. This was a great Culture Festival event that I had ever watched.
So, that is my experiences in Matswapati Festival. Still waiting for my next story! Thank you!

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