Sabtu, 13 September 2014

Shaski's Biography

This is a biography of my classmate. Her full name is Shaski Ghina Nurfauziyah. She usually called Shaski. She was born in Bandung, 29th of November 1999. She lives in Jl. Cipedes Tengah No. 160.

She is the second daughter of her parents. Her older sister named Shella. Her mother is Mrs. Ella Busra and her father is Mr. Asep Nana R. Her father is a lecturer.

She studied at Padasuka elementary school. After that, she continued studying at 16 Junior High School Bandung. Currently, she is in SMAN 3 Bandung.

Both of us loves reading a novel. She liked to read ‘Looking for Alaska’, ‘The Hunger Games’, ‘Divergent’, ‘If I Stay’, ‘Where She Went’, and many more. Beside that, she likes watching movies like me. She said, English is her favorite subject.

She wants to be a businesswoman because she wants to give some contribution in the business world.
Her motto is “Everything begin with Bismillah and finish with Alhamdulillah”


My full name is Avira Zahra Nur'Saskia and you can call me Avira. I usually called pear in Junior High School by my friends. I don’t know why they call me pear. I was born in RS. Bersalin Handayani, Bandung, April 29th 1999. I live in Saturnus Ujung Komp. Villa Ilhami C 16 Bandung. I’m 15 years old.

My mother is Mrs. Ikke Rahmayani. She is from Ciamis. She is a freelancer. She is my friend, my mother, my close friend. I really love her. My father is Mr. Heri Mulyadi. He passed away at 2013 in 44  years old because of cancer disease. He was struggling with it for 4 months in hospital. I have one younger brother named Muhammad Albian Zikri. Currently, he is in 3rd grade elementary school. My sibling and my age’s range is so far, isn’t it? My brother, Albian is younger 6 years old than me.

I studied at TK Srikandi, and then Banjarsari elementary school. After that, I continued studying at 7 Junior High School Bandung. I graduated from kindergarten named Srikandi from 2003-2005. Elementary school named SDN Banjarsari from 2005-2011. And then Junior High School from 2011-2014. In Junior High School, I liked math so much!. Currently, I’m at SMAN 3 Bandung. I didn’t think that I would be accepted there. I have many friends in SMAN 3 Bandung. They are so kind and friendly.

My hobbies are listening to music, watching movies, watching videos on youtube, playing badminton,and many more. I really love watching movies because watching movies is so fun. Beside that, I love watching videos on youtube. There is a difference between watching movies and watching videos on youtube. Watching videos on youtube is like watching video clip and something like that.

About my talents, I can playing guitar but I can’t singing. If I’m in good mood, I can drawing but if I’m not in good mood, really, I can’t drawing and I don’t know why. I want to be an architecht. I think arcithecht is cool and I really love architecture from Japan (especially in Kyoto) and London.

The best event in my live is, when I was born in this world. My motto is if you want to do something, just do it!.